We keep you in touch with your healthcare

Awareness of options when pursuing treatment or finding a specialist is a frustrating problem for many patients who want to be an active healthcare consumer.


We keep you connected

Health Treatment Solutions is a market research and health survey provider working with patients to match them with the latest clinical trials, medical devices and treatments.

Our proprietary marketing platform has helped thousands of patients find cutting edge treatments and the latest in medical research to support their treatment plans.

Why you'll be hearing from us

No matter the stage of your disease state - 

Whether you have been diagnosed, are recovering, or are simply researching based on family medical history, we can work with you to become a more engaged and aware healthcare consumer. We work with patients every day and understand the hurtles in advocating for yourself.

Areas of Patient Outeach

How you will be hearing from us.

Email Alerts and Updates

Scheduled Phone calls

Text Messages

 Health Treatment Solutions
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